Thursday, May 24, 2007

Today's Blogpourri...

There is so much going on this week I don't know where to start!

LAST DAY of SCHOOL!!! Yes, today we said good-bye to the kids for the summer. Don't get me wrong, I love my students, but it is nice to say good bye and take a break every so often. There are many I will miss a great deal though...I have been blessed to have some great students over the years.

IVF Cycle Update:
I went in for my baseline ultraound today. There was some concern because he could not see any follicles starting to develop at this point. We are still on schedule to start the stimulation drugs on Saturday. I then go in on Tuesday for another ultrasound. He said if he still does not see the follicles on Tuesday, then he will be worried. I am trying not to worry yet. My ovaries appear to be small anyway and maybe that is why we can't see the follicles yet. So, time to rev up your prayer engines all...Lord, get these follicles developing! All of my bloodwork looks good...that is a plus.

We transition into phase II on Saturday...stimulation drugs that are injected from a device that looks like one of those big fat four color pens. We also both have to start taking antibiotics. With all of this, the really fun hormone changes begin. So far, I have just had occasional headaches, bloating, soreness, hot flashes, irritability (leave me alone!), and hunger cravings. No sweat, right??!!! The new medicine promises to bring even more fun. Perhaps I should start looking at the bright side of this adventure...say what I want, blame it on the meds....hmmmmmmm...

I had a nice relaxing massage last night. A friend is going to help me with weekly massages to relieve stress and help my circulation throughout the cycle. The less stress the better! I have also read a lot about accupuncture and in-vitro. I would not normally try this, but there is some positive reasearch out there that shows it may help. I will keep you all is a matter of whether I can deal with all those needles or not...yikes!

Well, it looks like DH and I might go see the "Pirates" tonight...I really need a diversion.

Prayer focus for the week: development of the follicles by Tuesday!!!

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