Sunday, May 13, 2007

The meds have arrived

Wow...I was expecting to walk out of the doctor's office on Thursday with a wal-mart size bag and instead took home this huge box which contains all of our IVF medications. The actually medicines are in small vials, the rest of it is all the syringes that we will have to use.
I am worried about these injections. We start with 10 days a once a day suppression drug called Lupron. Then on May 25 we start the follicle stimulating drug, Gonal F, twice a day. Since we continue the Lupron, this will now be three injections a day.
There was another medication in the box that the nurse did not tell us about. I am hoping and praying that the pharmacy made a mistake because they sent huge needles with this does not look fun at all. I will be calling about it tomorrow...
Our church prayed for us this was very calming and comforting. We will continue to see God's will through all of this. It will be cool to see how He works through this even though it won't be fun physically...


Slaughter Fam CEO said...

Love the blog. I can't believe all those meds! We're praying for you!

Kim Ivie said...

Love ya!! "Its gonna be worth it all- and believe it!!" ---praise and worship song. What moms do for our kids!!!

Lollieblog said...

We're with you all the way! God bless.