Saturday, June 2, 2007

Renewed Hope

It is a new month and a new day and with it comes renewed hope in our journey to become parents. I am resolved to trust in God's plan for us. It is in times like these, when hope seems to have faded that he comes in and shows what he truly can do. The odds are against us...a perfect opportunity to show that HE is still in control and HE can do this...knowing our children before they are ever conceived and waiting for the right time to bring us into His plan.

So, I went in today for another ultrasound and bloodwork. Yes, every two days like clockwork, even on the weekend. I have not heard back on the blood work yet, but the follicles are looking good, almost ready. One of the smaller ones on the left has caught up to her big sisters and so it appears I will have three good follicles on the left and two on the right. There is still a smaller one that could catch up on the right, but it is lagging behind right now. So, it looks like we will have five potentially great eggs for the insemination. The uterine lining also looks the doctor's own words..."beautiful lining!"

I go in Monday for yet another ultrasound and bloodwork. If things look good and ready, as we expect them to be, I will finally get to quit all these injections except one. I am soooooo ready. I have become the human pin cushion. I have so many bruises and needle marks on my stomach!I get one more injection of a new drug called ovidrel if the follicles look ready on Monday. This one tells my body to release the eggs! Then on Wednesday morning we will most likely have the insemination. With all of Richard's best sperm and multiple eggs on my end, we are believing that God will bring one pair together!!!

We cannot tell you how much we appreciate all of your prayers, love, and support. Keep them coming! They have truly been felt and were much needed in a very low point of this journey. I don't know where we would be without all of your love. Thank you!

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