Monday, June 4, 2007

No more shots! YIPEE!

I got fabulous news more shots! I did the bloated happy dance around the kitchen when I told Richard this evening! So here's the scoop:

Went in for the ultrasound and blood work today. In the left corner...we have two great follicles! The third one has disappeared unfortunately. :( In the right corner...we have FOUR follicles! A fourth one appeared on the ultrasound today! It is not quite up to snuff as far as size, but there could be a good egg in there...there are two good follicles on the right, and two that are really close and have some potential to release a mature egg. After seeing my estrogen level (which sky rocketed to 1500), Dr. Jabara said today was the day to send them out into the world, or at least my uterus. So we took the ovidrel injection tonight at 9 pm. This induces ovulation. 36 hours from the time of the shot, my eggs are ready to be fertilized.

The insemination procedure will take place on Wednesday morning so keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

With this update, came the news that we now have no more shots. Since we changed to the insemination, I can use a progesterone cream instead of the injections. I AM SO HAPPY! I have heard the progesterone shots are rough...I am so glad that we don't have to do them now...I really feel for those women who have had to undergo them!

I feel like I am in the home stretch of the big race. I am so relieved that ovulation is on its way now...I have been so bloated and sore from the pressure in my ovaries. It is shockingly uncomfortable to have so many follicles growing in your ovaries. I cannot imagine what things would have been like if we had more develop. My stomach feels swollen, it is tough to walk and bend over without pain. Thankfully I have loose clothing to wear (wearing alot of my clothes from 20-40 pounds ago!) so that there is no additional pressure on my abdomen than absolutely necessary.

Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers...we are really feeling God's presence in this whole process and believing it will work. The only thing we are worried about now is how many babies we will have!!!

Prayer focus for Wednesday:
-A beautiful "meeting" on Wednesday morning
-the perfect number of embryos formed in my womb
-that those embryos attach in the coming week and hang on for the ride!

1 comment:

The Spears said...

Blogger is a lot of fun! Thanks for leaving a comment for us. I am so so glad the Lord placed it on my heart to send you guys an invite to our Blog, because we can now join your prayer support team as you guys continue your journey to having a new baby! WOW, what an amazing journey it sounds like it has been. We are praying exceptently! God is good all of the time! Can't wait to find out how today goes.