Sunday, June 10, 2007


This weekend has been about some rest and relaxtion for Richard and me. We slept in until almost 11 am on Saturday morning which was wonderful. The emotional rollercoaster of the past two weeks along with the physical ups and downs warranted a nice long rest for both of us this weekend. We got to be lazy around the house, watched television, took a swim in the pool, and had a fun evening with friends from church.

Last night our young adult group met (yes, we still consider ourselves young adults!) and had an evening of fellowship. Originally, we had planned on playing in the park, however, the weather did not cooperate. Thunderstorms forced us inside, but we still had fun! We ended up at Rosa's for dinner and then over to the Ivie's for a little XBOX...Guitar Hero II! If you have not heard of this, it is a video game that simulates playing the guitar, particularly rock tunes.

Today, Richard is being a kid again playing out at the go kart track with some of his buddies while I have been knitting, watching the birds and butterflies that are now coming to our yard and doing a little surfing on the computer. A real weekend! I cannot even remember the last time we had a weekend when we could just has always been so busy!

Still anxiously awaiting the time for a pregnancy test. In my devotions lately, the Lord has been feeding me verses on trust and I am trying to take those lessons to heart!

1 comment:

The Spears said...

So glad you guys had such a special weekend. By the way, I wanted to let you know that there is a link on our blog to Adaryll Jordan's and his wife's blog. Brent said you and AJ (as I call him) were friends in band together. Small small world for sure. They have been some of our best friends for some time, and we so can't wait to have kids so they can all get married to each other!! (he he, big people wishes!)