Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Almost time for the big release!

I have had three ultrasounds in three days. One of the many joys of IVF! So here is the latest:

The follicles are growing very nicely. In the last three days they have grown from about 15 mm in size to an average of 20 mm in size. My estrogen levels are rising nicely as well. It is fun to see the follicles on the ultrasound this time around. You can see the corpus luteum where the egg is contained inside the follicle. It is funny hearing the doctor and nurse talk about how "cute" they are. We did not see these during the first IVF cycle. I don't know if they were just not pointed out or pehaps the eggs are more mature this tme around and therefore we can see them better. So what do they look like? Well, the best description I can give is like looking at cartoon eyes. A big circle with a small circle dot attached on the inside of the big circle. Are you getting a mental picture?

My daily trips to the doctor continue. I have to go in to have my progesterone levels checked again tomorrow and then we are back Thursday for the egg retrieval! The big day! Just saying that it is egg retreival day does not fully describe it...it will be conception day actually! After they retrieve the eggs, they will join Richard's sperm for the "Party in the Petri Dish." They will call us everyday with reports on how the embryos are doing as they begin growing.

Last night Richard and I had dinner at home and watched our wedding video as part of our anniversary celebration. It was such a joy to watch it again. It is crazy to think about how much has happened in the past two years. Upon hearing and reflecting on our vows again we realized we have pretty much hit all of them in just the past two years..

For better (on vacation, realxing at home) or for worse (working late hours, being apart, discovering our infertility)
For richer (after two teaching awards) or for poorer (after two IVF cycles and expensive meds)
In sickness (with bloated ovaries and the flu) and in health (losing weight and feeling much healthier)

I believe that God will bring us a child through this process. This IVF has been much smoother and much more positive. I see God's hands through it all. Thank you for your continued prayers for us and our future children!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH! I'm so glad to hear this time is going more smoothly. It's such an emotional time. You and Richard are so lucky to have each other and you will make great parents! We'll be praying for you!

Jennifer Jacoby